Imani and Ryesha's Crappy CupCakes


For our project, we decided to make cupcakes and they didn’t turn out that well.


Cupcakes are a food that has been around since 1796 when people wanted smaller versions of cake to eat. It was not until 1828 when “cupcake” was used as a term. Our three liquids were water, milk and egg yolks. Yes, egg yolks are not liquid but I (Ryesha) refused to waste food.

The image above is the reaction that creates carbon dioxide bubbles. These bubbles help the batter rise.


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Get a large bowl to put the dry ingredients in and another one to put the wet ingredients in.
3. Put 213 g of flour, sugar of 200 g and one-fourth tablespoon of salt and sifted them into a large bowl.
4. Put 190g of unsalted butter, 3 egg whites, a three-fourths tablespoon of lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract, one-half cup of milk and one-half cup of mayo into a large bowl.
5. Whisk all the wet ingredients until all blended it together.
6. Get another bowl to put both the wet ingredients and dry ingredients in one bowl all together.
7. Whisk all the ingredients together until a smooth cake batter is made
8. Repeat steps 2-7 with the liquid is changed to water.
9. Repeat steps 2-7 with the liquid change to egg yolk.
10. Distribute each cake batter evenly into cupcake cups.   
11. Cook cupcakes for 20 minutes or until cupcakes rise


Here lies three different batter: egg yolk, milk, and water

These are the end results of the cupcakes.


Water and cupcakes don't mix. These cupcakes didn't bake properly and that's probably because water had no acidity to it- its neutral. Milk tasted normal enough but was dry and lightly colored. So were the water ones. The egg yolk cupcakes looked like a yellow cake you'd buy at a grocery store. The browning is caused by the Maillard reaction. I would explain this but its so technical it makes my brain hurt.
