Nyilah Typical Taco Dip

Not so cheesy Taco dip

              Taco dip one of the most popular go to snacks ever. I mean honestly you can make it for any             occasion and the process is super easy and if your uptight about your money you will love this            snack just like me! But have you ever thought about changing things up like maybe the cheese            ? And wondered  how the different cheese would affect the oh so precious appearance ?     Well if so you found the right place because things can get cheesy.

So why exactly does certain cheese melt differently from others?
                        When you see cheese you don't typically think about  the scientific reasoning behind                            why it doesn't melt or why it melted a certain way. So why exactly does cheese melt                            differently ? Well there's this thing called water level inside cheese that affects the                                way cheese melts. The higher the water level the easier the cheese will melt ,but the                              lower the water level it will be more complicated. The reason the cheese with higher                            water levels melts faster and easier is because the protein structure is weaker which                              makes it breaks down faster. Not only does water levels play a huge role in cheese                                melting but the fat content as well. Cheese with higher fat content melts more                                        efficiently and effectively because just like the water levels the protein structure is                                weaker .

                                 In this experiment , three different kinds of cheese was used to see                                                        how the appearance would be affected when they melted. The independent                                            variable was the three different kinds of cheese and the dependent variable was                                    the time , ingredients and temperature. 

1)Preheat your oven to 150. 
2) Place ground beef in pan and then put it the pan on the stove. 
3) Set stove on high. 
4) Chop ground beef until it is brown and is little chunks. 
5)Place ground beef into circular pans. 
6) Add taco seasoning (3x to each pan) mix it into the ground beef. 
7)Place cheese on top of each pan (different cheese to each pan). 
8) Place pans in the oven for 5 mins. 

Brick Cheddar Cheese    Mexican Three cheeses       Parmesan  
Melted but is not melted all around pan. Its spread out  
Melted around the whole pan. The only cheese that melted fully. 
Almost melted fully but pieces of cheese are noticeable that aren't melted. 
At end of the project the cheese looked like little blocks on the pan spread out. The cheese melted and remained yellow. Hardest to eat with chips. 

At the end of the project this was the cheese that melted the most. The color of the cheese turned mainly orange, but you could see the white cheese which was a part of the mix. Easiest to eat with chips. 
At the end of the project the cheese was still yellow. But it was the second cheese which melted mostly but not fully. This cheese was also easy to eat with chips. 



The main differences in the experiment was the three different cheeses used,  which was brick cheddar cheese, Parmesan cheese , and Mexican three cheese.  As you can see above the three cheese all differently affected the appearance of the taco dip . The cheese that melted the most was the Mexican three cheese due to the high water levels and fat content which meant the protein structure was weaker than the parmesan and brick cheddar cheese. The three were different when dipping with chips it was harder to get some cheese with the brick cheese while the other two were fairly easy . The dip was overall terrible but my hypothesis was proven correct different cheese will certainly affect the appearance of taco dip.
Image result for melted cheese gif
