Nasirah's and Jamal's Bodacious Biscuits

Nasirah's and Jamal's Bodacious Biscuits

Introduction/ Background Info
We choose to make biscuits because we wanted to make something that was simple but tasted good and that was fun to make! We decided to use 3 different types of fat: butter, coconut oil, and veggie oil. The difference between these fats is that 2 of them, the coconut and veggie oil,  are considered to be saturated, It is said that if you used oil instead of butter your baked goods come out tasting different and having a soggy texture .Butter and Coconut oil coats gluten molecules so they can't combine as easily, contributing to the finished product tenderness. In many baked goods they also contribute to the fluffiness of the final product.
  • For our experiment we set the oven temperature to 375 degrees.
  • opened up the Pillsbury biscuits and divided into 3 groups ( 3 in the first two groups and 2 in the last),
  • drizzled heated butter onto the batch of biscuits then did the same with the coconut oil on the second batch and the veggie oil on the third and sealed them up
  • Placed into the oven for 15 minutes.
In the end the butter biscuits came out looking the darkest, they tasted fluffy and I believe it's because Fat has five major roles in baking as outlined below.  How well it will perform each of these functions depends largely on the "slip point" - the temperature at which the fat just begins to melt.  In general the slip point should be at least 41 degrees above the proving temperature of the dough.
See the source image
Shortening or butter is fat that weakens or 'shortens' a dough by weakening its gluten network, resulting in the baked product being softer, breaking easily and having a more tender mouthfeel.Image result for butter chemical makeup
Explaining the tender mouth -fell from the biscuits made with butter. Also they came out savory because of the salt in the butter.
Coconut oil is unique because it is a solid in cooler temperatures. Most oils you buy for cooking (olive, vegetable, avocado, sunflower, etc.) are liquid at all temperatures. Coconut oil is usually in a solid form unless heated. the reason coconut oil is solid is due to the high levels of saturated fats.
The biscuits came out heavier than the biscuits made with butter, and because the coconut oil has a sugar component it made the biscuits sweeter.
Lastly the Biscuits made with the Veggie oil where heavier than both the biscuits with butter and coconut oil, again for the same reasons the coconut oil was heavier in mass is because fats are supposed to close of the air bubbles made of co2 and because of that is makes the baked product heavier to clock those air  bubbles.
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