For my Food project i was going do pigs in a blanket but i changed my mind and decided to do grilled cheese because it was more easier for me and balanced for me grilled cheese was created in 1900 by L.kraft who was pushed out of his business by his partner who only 65 dollars with him so he used that to buy a cheese wholesale and sold it to local grocers and that is how grilled cheese to began well spread worldwide The steps i used make my Golden Buttery Mystic Grilled sandwiches is to heat up the pan on medium then slice the butter and put the bread with the cheese inside above the butter cook until it was brown on both sides
Hypothesis-The more butter you use the better the sandwich would be
The science of the grilled cheese focuses on the gooeyness of the cheese having a chemical reaction with the heat from the pan and the butter itself
The procedure-what I keep constant during the my food project was the amount of butter because I was worried because if I went the limit with the butter I wouldn't be to have a normal grilled cheese sandwich I would just have a buttery cheese sandwich which would not be good
Trail one lasted 3 minutes
Trail Two lasted around 5 minutes or more minutes
Trail Three lasted around less 2 or 3 minutes they all came out good but the best one was trail three because I felt like I have took more on that one than the others
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