Foday and Larry's Stinking eggs

Foday and Larry's Stinking Eggs

Does salt and vinegar change the result of a boiling egg ? 

Boiled eggs are not something that people eat on a daily basis. Boiling an egg too long can cause it to be very harmful to your stomach. When you use high heat to boil an egg it causes chemical reaction between the yolk and the white part,  That leaves a green film around the yolk. That film is iron sulfide. This is caused by iron in the yolk reacting with hydrogen sulfide in the yolk. The chemical name for an boiled egg is phosphatidic acid. The molecular weight for an boiled egg is 696.9 grams. When vinegar was added to the water of one of the boiled egg it broke down the egg in the inside. 
 Image result for boiled eggs
Before the experiment was done I predicted that when I added vinegar to one of the eggs to boil it would make the egg dark when it was done. I also predicted that when I added salt to the other egg to boil it would make the shell of the egg and the egg it’s self inside really soft. It turned out that both of my hypothesis was wrong instead of the egg with vinegar getting darker in the inside it just caused the egg to break up really easily. The egg with the salt didn’t have that much of a change.  


Egg with vinegar- first I put the water in the pot then I put the egg in and let it sit in the water for a little so that it could soak(didn’t have no heat to it yet) I then added  half cup of vinegar inside the pot where the egg was and put it on the pot and turned the stove to about 140 degrees and closed the pot. I let the egg sit in the pot for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes was over I put the egg on a plate and pealed the shell off and saw that the inside of the egg was messed up and scrambled. This egg with the vinegar seemed to have boiled pretty faster than an egg being boiled in regular water.  

Egg with salt- first I put the egg in water and turned on the stove to 140 degrees for about 2 minutes then added 2 full tea spoons of salt to the water that the egg was in. I let it cook for about 21 minutes. For some reason this egg that was in the salt took longer to cook. I then stopped the fire when it was finished and let the egg sit on a plate for about 1 minute to cool off. I then pealed the shell and opened up the egg but nothing changed about the egg.  

Egg with regular water- first I put the egg in a pot then I added water and turned the stove on to 140 degrees,  Nothing was added to this egg it took about 12 minutes to boil. I then pealed it and it looked regular like how a regular egg is supposed to look. 

Data Results 
After I was done cooking the egg with the vinegar it was all broken in the inside and the egg was very loose after a while it felt kind of rough. When I ate the egg it tasted very weird it tasted like vinegar in a way but the egg was hard and it was extremely sour at the same time. 
After I was done cooking the egg with the salt I opened it up, the inside of the egg didn’t look any different from a regular egg but it sure did feel really soft and when I bit into it the egg was extremely salty and the yolk of the egg didn’t really have no taste but pure salt. I think that part of the egg sucked in all of the salt. 
After I finished cooking the egg that had neither salt or vinegar added to it I opened it up and it looked very clean and healthy to eat. It felt extremely normal like a normal egg would it had no funny taste and that was the only egg that I was actually able to finish and eat the whole thing. 

Analysis and conclusion  

Egg with vinegareggs contain something called calcium carbonate that is what makes an egg hard in general, but when vinegar is added which is known as an acetic acid it causes a chemical reaction called carbon dioxide which is a gas that is released. And with acetic acid being added to the egg it causes it to be more hard.  

Egg with salt- When you add salt to water that an egg is in it increases the density of the solution because the salt increases the mass without changing the volume as much. The more salt that is added makes the solutions density to become higher which can cause the egg to become soft, and also it could make the egg float around a lot in the water while it’s in the shell.  

Egg with nothing added- The only chemical change and the only thing that effected the egg that was boiled with just regular water was the temperature of the water and how ever long it was in the pot cooking it wasn’t really as difficult and complicated like the egg with the vinegar added and the egg with the salt added to it.  
