tee's spicy buffalo chicken quesadilla

Tee's Spicy Buffalo Chicken Quesadilla

Background info: 
Quesadilla's are know worldwide as a more common food dish came from Mexican's when they came here to america and, over the years the famous food dish has been influenced by other cultures and cuisines.

The science behind quesadillas:
The science behind tortilla is that the tortilla is made out of Nixtamalization which is is a kind of grain that is heated/ cooked in alkaline solution and which is a chemistry element and calcium oxide which is both a powder like chemical compound which is also made out of alkaline and, the chemical formula for the Nixtamilazation is (H6O6N7)and for the calcium oxide formula is (CaO).

Procedure during my process:
my procedure was me doing simple acts before cooking like, washing my chicken breast before I cook it, make sure I have all my ingredients in order for me to cook .

My hypothesis for my food was if each tortilla would have a soft taste, crunchy taste or hard taste. 

Data and results:
For my data and results ,  it didn't go as well as I thought it would, for instance for the flour tortilla i thought that it would have been soft but it was actually it was crunchy and on the first try of my  buffalo sauce i thought that it wouldn't come out right on the first try and suprisely it did and also goes for the wheat and the corn tortilla like for wheat I thought it would come out hard but it was crunchy and for the corn tortilla ( which was disgusting) it came hard which i didn't expect and also tasted horrible.

3 tortillas (wheat,corn,flour)
buffalo sauce
chicken breast
